Vagas de emprego disponíveis

Vagas de emprego e Requisitos mínimos

Procuramos os melhores profissionais para fazerem parte da nossa equipe. Procuramos tradutores de língua nativa e residentes no país para uma determinada especialidade. As aplicações devem ser enviadas para o e-mail abaixo referido. Pro-eficiência em Ms words é um requisito obrigatório. Saiba mais sobre requisitos de recrutamento.

Se detém todas as características e está interessado em alguma das vagas abaixo descritas, por favor envie o seu CV em Inglês para  applications(at) e faça parte do maior grupo de traduções profissionais na internet.

Vagas de emprego no Tradutor Global:

Sworn / Certified / Accredited translators wanted!

As leading Certified translation provider of certificates, diplomas and other official documents, we are constantly looking for sworn / certified / accredited translators, who are authorised to translate and verify (stamp and/or sign) certificates for official purposes in every possible language pair and country.
If you are a certified translator as described, we would be happy to receive your application:
Please state in the subject line: your Pair/s like EN > FR, certified and the country

Thank You!

Copywriters wanted: English (US + British), French, German, Italian, Spanish, Dutch, Arabic

We require immediate more copywriters to help us out with large SEO assignments for international companies.

You should be able to provide us with a minimum of 80 texts of 400 words per month. The texts will be based on keywords provided by us. We require the highest attention to detail and only candidates able to document previous high quality work will be considered. You should preferable have a university degree in literature, Marketing or similar subject.

We look forward to hearing from you!

The Translator Group is hiring more staff

As a result of our global expansion we need to fill some vacancies quite urgently. The positions below are all “home office type” of positions i.e. you can be located where you want anywhere in the world.

Please apply to applications(at) with the name of the position in the heading. Include a Europass CV in English and a passport copy. Applications without the requested information will not be considered.

PT Text writers

You should be a native Portuguese speaker with an excellent grasp of the Portuguese language. You could be a collage student with a few hours to spare each week. You will be asked to write short text and blogs on a specific subject that will change each time.

Deadline for applications are Oct. 10, 2011.

The Translator Group is a Swiss Global Translation and Communications Company providing high quality services to Multinational companies, International organisations, Government agencies as well as individuals worldwide.

For further information about us visit our websites:

Cotação Já!

Amostra de uma tradução certificada

Amostra de uma tradução certificada

What a team, you have done a fantastic job!

Ahmad Hammoud, Managing Director, Nuance Media, Dubai, AE

For questions please call: +1 312 646 6028

Para questões, contate +41 4350 82998